Friday, October 16, 2009

still bad, after all these years

This from the Priests' Hole:

A poem of sorts is taking shape in my head. Maybe I'll figure out how to write it down and do so here. Until then, I will publish these two previously only narrowly-known gems, written over twenty years ago, for a bet with Mr Oetter the English teacher, which I won.

Greeting the kitchen wallpaper
I see you every day
But you never say hello.

Greeting the kitchen wallpaper II
I see you every day
But you never shake my hand.


Anonymous said...

Please remind me of the nature of your bet? I still remember how much hell we gave Mr. O. about our Odyssey assignment....
-your friend 'out West', who is thoroughly enjoying your blog

Sir Louris W. Badderson said...

We were doing Richard Brautigan and it was all like, "The frying pan smells like fish farts" and I said that anybody could write that kind of crap, I didn't consider Brautigan a poet. I don't remember if we all wrote "Brautigan-esque" poems or it was just me, for the bet. But anyway, he admitted that mine were just as good.