The perch demands its 15 minutes...
So I was making chicken pot pie for the fourth time in 10 days and had Alpha tsannel on in the living room. Kind of a lightish newscast, nothing like Star, but not tiring like the one where people yell at each other about politics till your ears ring. And I popped in to get an ingredient from the fridge. [You know the fridge is in the living room of the rat's nest, right? Cause the fridge is bigger than the entire kitchen, and until I remodel the kitchen, 10.000 euros from now, le frigo se trouve dans le salon.]
And Jimmy, Jimmy exactly:

was on TV!!! Except as the "fattest cat in Germany", looking for a new home for some reason. Exactly like Jimmy, except not as big!!! Aughgh! But you have to realize it was the same to the detail, like if Jimmy was a breed, the same exact example. And his face markings and stripey sides and absolutely everything-- carbon copy. AUGH! Except smaller! I've spent over half an hour trying to find some kind of a link and will not give up!
I don't know why this cheered me up because the rest of the day was black. A big volcano of thickened Sharpie ink spilling out and covering everything. Wasted morning trying to get chemeo, sent away due to low platelets after three hours of waiting. I am becoming more and more negative about this therapy working because my blood can't manage to keep up with the treatments and I keep getting sent home. The regimen is supposed to go like clockwork and mine is like a broken watch where you keep noticing that you forgot to wind it. I'm not saying that to be overdramatic, it's just the fact. At some point you throw the watch out, people, and get a brand new Casio and forget about it. The Casio is looming on the horizon.
Hugest rat's nest news: Bathroom door installed! Heavy slider. Privacy for all! Guests don't have to pee in the dark with the TV turned up for a modicum of privacy. BIL doesn't have to pee at Everest to maintain a sense of propriety! Bonus: They had sent the wrong door frame molding, which the installer picked up on before setting out, so he brought the right stuff and I got to keep the extra molding. Not bad. You can always use that for a project... Not sure what but G will think of something, I bet.
The life-giving visitors arrive soon...
Tuesday the 13th. Unlucky day for people in this country because Smyrni was invaded on Tuesday the 13th.
Tuesday the 13th. Lucky day for me!!! It's like when you reclaim a bad word and use it differently and change its connotation and piss off the people that used to use it against you. (Also Eva insists it's a lucky day cause she was born on Tuesday the 13th.)