Yesterday Jiora took me for coffee to a big marina which has been gentrified since the last time I was there, probably around ten years ago. The truth is that its polished, suburban image is not what usually calls to me when I think about walking along the water on a sunny day, but it was clean and relatively quiet and there were lots of bikes, but still room to walk.
At one end of the marina is a sort of boat museum. This is the back
and front (or face!)
of a faithful reproduction of a really old boat with oarsmen below and fighters on the deck.
Here's a newer warship.
And this is the view from where we were sitting, sipping a decent decaf latte:
The weather is just getting better and better.
Looks lovely. Wish I could join you for a stroll! I like old boats. It makes me think of a book I just got: The Sea-Wolf, by Jack London. We visited Jack London's house and the ruins of the mansion he tried to build out in Sonoma county (wine country) and it was really remarkable.
Anyway, I realized I hadn't read The Sea-Wolf: It appears to be about a literary man from San Francisco who ends up in a ferry boat wreck and aboard a vessel with a hideous, wolf-like captain. Should be interesting... Read it?
I only remember Call of the Wild and White Fang, but apparently London wrote 50 books! He also intended to take a 7 year sea journey around the world in a sailboat with his wife but cut it short after getting sick 27 months into it.
Dude, no fair your comment being more interesting and better written than my post. At least you can't put photos in a comment (can you?). Haven't read that book but you should and tell me if it's any good.
Especially since it's got an SF connection...
Your blog rocks my world, I read it voraciously. When I have a computer, that is!
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