Yes, there was a bat on the perch. Until Jameser and/or Lou took it down. Sorry, bat. I really am sorry that the boys got the poor creature, but can you imagine if the rents had found a live bat flying around the house this morning?
QUICKDATES from the rat's nest:
Pre-approved for chemeo tomorrow.
New laptop ordered. It's GREEN!!!
Stitches coming out tomorrow.
Made chicken pot pie for the 5th time in a month tonight.
Life-giving guests will be here this time next week.
New laptop? Terrific. Hope you'll love it! Green, your favorite color:)
Wish I could be coming to visit too!
You'll come next. Now I have hosting practice in the rat's nest and it'll be even better. Also it's an excuse for my mom to get a dishwasher because she swore that before the next batch of visitors comes, she's getting one!
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