even if you are stuck in the rat's nest.
No neighbors, actually, just wanted to sing that song.
So on the other side of the Mediterranean, in the North African country of Marocco, apparently people like their pictures with some context. Therefore the joey's baba has decided to start taking pictures with some scenery around them, and criticized K's beautiful portraits of the Spaz in this respect. Dappy and I do not believe that Granny F would rather receive this picture:
than this:
but that is why we are not culture experts, alas...
To be fair, today they were going to take the Kaz for a walk and shoot her pic in front of some monuments and ruins. A bit more picturesque than Lola the car.
Yesterday K bought me a peck of pickled peppers (I wish-- just about a pint) for fifty euro-cents at my favorite supermarket (or hyperagora, as they say on skai). I've almost gotten through them, especially since I had about ten with my breakfast. This salt fetish is very strange after a three-year no-salt diet. My chem panel shows low sodium (Natrio) in the blood. Maybe my body just knows what it's doing (kind of a late starter?) and is craving salty foods, like olives and feta and the decadent pickled pepper. Next is tinned sardines. Just kidding. Of course with 32mg of cortico-steroids per day, Miss Piggy face is the price you pay for salt. I'll have to find the happy medium.
Thanks to those who suggested funny stuff. I have downloaded some stuff and done some you-tubing. Keep the suggestions coming, though. Last Real Time (Bill Maher) on Friday till Jan 14th. It was a good one. Love love love Bill Maher.
Don't worry, since it is me that actually takes the memory stick to the photo place I print out the pics I want, plus the ones he does, so Granny F gets the good ones.
for a good time, click on jon stewart (http://www.thedailyshow.com/), stephen colbert and the colbert report (http://www.colbertnation.com/home)
oops! didn't mean to be all anonymous bout my suggestions above-wrong click somewhere along the way... i became a big fan of stewart and colbert when i was in pitts--dad and i watched them quite religiously.
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