Sunday, October 3, 2010


Back to the rat's nest to say:

It's time to vote all over the world. Here we have municipal elections elections!!!
Our favorite baby is in a contest and she needs your support!
The point of the contest is to pick the most "zoulouhterό" baby. This means the cuddliest, most huggable/pinchable baby. (Not some skinny toddlers they've got on there who should have been disqualified.)
Go to this site and click on Kazzie's picture (bottom row center, arms up in the air: Αμαλία). It's the same photo as above, but cropped.
Then the next page asks for your first name, last name (ok to type in English), cell phone number (make up a 10-digit number starting with 694) and email address, in that order. Then verify and your vote will be counted. K says if they win the grand prize of two large (euros), they will come to the States and visit friends, relatives and sickies!
You can vote once a week, I think.
[K: Write sth in the comments if you have anything to add.]

PS Spent a week on the perch. It gave me inspiration for a couple of good topics to write about ("good" as defined by this blog), including a bizarre childhood quasi-religious experience (here I will include photos), the tendency of things to come full circle (here I have only one picture of G to expose to the world--no worries, very cute) and stay tuned for my extra special Halloween post which will include a seasonal Kazzie photoshoot, pictures from (gasp!) that magical year, 1974, information about The Greatest Glow on Earth and more!!!