Coming from the priests' (I never know where to put the apostrophe) hole:
Sometimes I forget what I've told to whom or where I've written it. So you may or may not know that I'm no longer under house arrest but last Monday the whites were down round 2000, and half the population has some flu or other, so the rules are, stick close to home, no public transport or other closed spaces (shops, etc), stay away from sick people. So I usually take a walk a day, sometimes with a friend and often with my mom.
A mainstay of my walks is the National Garden, since it's within walking distance of the priests' hole and also pretty and also contains a zoo of sorts. The zoo is basically just farm animals behind bars, but they seem pretty happy and since most of them (except the donkeys) are dietary staples here, they're probably better off. The other day one kid was staring at a rooster and was telling his friends how he imagined it cooked (kokkinisto: onions and garlic browned in olive oil, tomato sauce in the big pot). Another point is that the freezer at the priest's hole is full of dry bread (really bread that's been in there so long it's freezer burned and no one wants to eat it) and geese like dry bread.

It's been rainy here and the park paths can get a bit muddy. However, I decided to wear my new sneakers on my walk. Here's what they looked like when I set out. There's no "after" picture because it wasn't that muddy and the after picture would have been anti-climactic.
I struggle with photo placement on blogger. The pictures never go where I want them. Why can't they just go where you insert them instead of all sticking to the top of the post?!?!? In any case, here's a truncated photographic tour. Pics taken a bit too late in the day to be much good. While we were walking we heard the dusk whistle to get out before we got locked in for the night. Too many pervs around to leave it open all night. Also, it's so well-kempt (K doesn't think this is a word but I do) that it would be a shame if some late-night vandals were to damage anything.

Anyway, here's the Botanic(al)(?) Museum from afar. I could go in there some day because I'd probably be the only one except for the guard.

This is a strange structure. I want to believe this is a row of dog houses for the stray dogs that wander into the park, for winter when they get cold. However, I have never seen any dogs anywhere near this row of nooks. On the other hand, it looks newish, so probably not a hand-me-down from when the park was the garden of the palace (current parliament). Maybe at night or when it's really cold dogs use them?

Don't feel sorry for this goose for my flash going off in her face (Goose is a feminine noun even if it's genetically a male goose, but I can't tell the difference on a goose anyway. Just in the pot. (Joking!)). I made up for it by giving her plenty of bread. She thanked me by making satisfyingly loud goose noises.

This sign predates the "Everything must be translated into English" rule. HORNED GOAT, symbol of the (objectively) best star sign. Again, the thing with the pictures (meant to be side-by-side). argh.

Two other fine friends.
And no walk in the capital is complete without a cat,

Dappy, and some ruins. (Can't be real or there's no way you could get this close. Maybe royal remnants? If only these were the only ones.)