Vasilis Kazoulis is an acquired taste which I have acquired.
Hear here.
He just came on the radio and I have to say I love the guy. There was a different video clip I wanted to link to but it was from a public-access cable station with mysterious (pink?) numbers flashing on the screen. I wouldn't want you to call one of them out of curiosity and get an (un)pleasant surprise.
Okay, this pinata is taking more time (especially drying time) and energy than I had anticipated. Plus it's humid because of all the rain. (The 11th mystery of the modern world: how this place can have the radiators burning day and night and yet still be humid...) Making a pinata has several steps, all of them sloppy. But here's where I stand:
Also, please release into the universe your positive vibes for my cellmate from the ospedale, who got out 3 days before me but has had to be hospitalized twice more since then. I had an email from her daughter and apparently her spirits have been low, too. Perhaps I should send her a pinata! I'm sure the results of this one will be good for a lot of laughs.
Are you going to cause the pinata's demise or are you gifting it? They have pinatas now where you pull a bunch of strings and it falls open, I think for small children.
Hi! It's a gift. Read my next post for all the details. A three- and four-year-old will cause its timely DEMISE!!!!!!!!!!! I can just see me, Madam Butterfingers aka "Two left hands", trying to engineer one that gracefully falls open when you pull the strings. My pinata has to be bludgeoned with a baseball bat.
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