This terrifying monster pinata was given to Dr. Nikos, one of my docs from when I was hospitalized, a fine scientist and seemingly all-around nice guy, for his sons, aged 3 and 4 (!) to demolish. He was very moved and told me he loved it even before I explained what a pinata was. When I told him it involves beating something with a stick till the candy falls out, he said, "The perfect present for my boys!" I was waiting in the hallway later to get a blood test and he came out (after having read my card with my thanks and the explanation of the 100-item project) and found me and told me it was the best present he'd ever received! So that really made my day. Elevator doc (someday I'll tell the story)(not a big deal) told me a couple of them had read it too and they also thought it was a cool idea. Elevator doc is kind of a flirt but I think it's more about his ego than about you.
So here it is, my first and probably last foray into the world of pinata-making:

And the contents:
I love your pinata! and I love that he wears a numbered necklace. I can totally see you having an art show someday with photos of everything you made and the stories behind the pieces and their recipients.
Thanks, Rach! I'll let you know what the kids' reaction was when I find out. I haven't taken pictures of everything, but this had to be one of the exceptions. Next attempt: Fingerless gloves for a motorcycle-riding platelet donor!
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