Sunday, January 18, 2009

What not to buy

in a supermarket.

This from the perch:

Rules to live by.
This might be a new feature of this blog.
It's started to look like we're grasping at straws lately
So an OCD person like me can logically present a list of
Things that should come directly from the source
And which I cannot bring myself to buy here in the big, bad city.
In no particular order:

1. lemons (and oranges and clemmies in season)
2. table wine
3. olive oil (actually that should have been first)

All of these things were carried back to the city tonight by me and K at the risk of a major hernia and anything else bad that can happen to you when your suitcase weighs 100 kilos/220 pounds/a tenth of a metric ton/you get the idea.

PS Weather on the perch was brilliant.

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