Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hot air

Last night I watched most of a docu about Bolivia, one of the series Entre Terre et Ciel (Between Earth and Sky), hosted by Sébastien Lafont, a journalist and hot-air balloonist. By host I mean also the adventurer who goes everywhere in his balloon and documents the people and places. So one of the places where he landed his balloon was the village of an indigenous group (minority minority group, can't find them on the UN page I looked at (!?!?)) whose name I (unfortunately) don't remember (knowing what a fabulous memory, compounded by chemo brain, I have, you're probably surprised). The point is, these people live in what looked like the middle of nowhere, in one-room mud houses. They have to hike incredible distances to get firewood. The staple of their diet is quinoa, and if they haven't had a good harvest (as they hadn't the year before the docu was shot), they have very slim pickings, hopefully supplemented by duck or pink flamingo or something else they hunt in very ingenious ways (watch it to find out). Once a year the village floods, and they have to go away (I wasn't clear on where). The POINT is, they have a very hard life. THE POINT IS, they're cool with that, with working hard to survive, but why do countries like ours, the so-called advanced countries, why do we have to make life even harder for them by screwing up the climate to the point where, during the non-flooding season, they don't have enough water to water their g-d quinoa?!?!?! These people have no negative impact on the environment. At the other extreme, where I live we burn tons and tons of lignite (among other things) to create electricity, at extremely inefficient rates. And people in the countryside think windmills create fertility problems! Newsflash, Mitsos: You're probably infertile because you spray carcinogens on your fields. But don't get me started on the Mitsoses out there...

Today was day 28 post-transplant. No excitement or news connected to that. I have a CT coming up but I'm not saying when because if the news is bad, I want to tell people in my own time. The house arrest was lifted yesterday because whites were above normal. I'm still not supposed to eat fresh, uncooked vegetables or some fruits, or honey from the beekeeper (whatever). My take is that you have to disobey some things in order to feel like you have free will. If you feel trapped, you get more depressed and that makes you sicker. The doctors on Grey's understand this. *spoiler alert* They let a girl with no heart go out in the snow! *end of spoiler alert*

Sickie accomplishments: Have watched more sodes than I will ever admit to. Have made 36 necklaces. Have made one very long scarf for cutie doc. Have begun one strange-looking monster pinata. Have written and illustrated two pages of a story about a small hairy creature.

Soon I will post pictures of my craft projects. This is my intention.

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