Friday, May 21, 2010

Pushy charity people

From a rat's nest with a face lift:

A very annoying charity solicitor just left a bad taste in my mouth. So this man and younger woman ring the doorbell. It takes me a minute to get to the door, I open it, and the following ensues:

ACS: Where were you? I was starting to get worried!
me: [WTF?]
ACS: It's May 21st, here we are!
me: [see above]
ACS: It's Sts. Helen and Konstantine Day, so we're here like every year, collecting money for kids hurt in car accidents. Everybody in the building has contributed whatever they can.
me: [Yeah, right.] Well, thanks, but I support specific charities [this and this] [didn't get specific with him] which I research in advance and can't afford to give any more.
ACS: [looking at me with scorn] But it's for handicapped kids.
me: Yes, I know. Goodbye.
ACS: [scorn scorn scorn until I close the door]

My opinion: Don't you want to be a good ambassador for your charity? Maybe I'll give next year. Isn't it bad PR to say, basically, f-you for not contributing to my charity which you've never heard of? I'll add that I'm pretty sure they were on the up-and-up and not a con.

Crazy thing at work. There's this dude, P, who works (actually worked) in marketing. An aside: He's this guy that went to get tested to be a platelet donor for me, but when we asked him to actually go donate (twice), he couldn't go (either time) because he wanted to be able to get drunk the night before. I think once was a Tuesday and the other time, a Thursday. Anyway, it turns out that for the past twelve months he's been lying about going out to see clients. He's been getting his normal salary, charging the company for gas, sometimes putting in for overtime, and filling out client cards (assessment of visit, etc) and NEVER GOING TO A SINGLE CLIENT! I guess the people in marketing don't get paid commission at our company. I really wonder how he got away with it for so long. Boss is very upset, but it's partly his fault because apparently he hired this dude because he's friends with his mother. Ah, nepotism.

Yesterday I actually saw Vromyar II on the street. (Confirmed by G due to the five-boxes-of-stogies incident of a few days ago.) He is not the dude I thought he was. He is, however, a naked mole rat in smelly clothing. A pale creature of the night and smoker of cheap stogies. G's spot-on (paraphrased) comment: I guess if you smoke stinky cigars all day, you don't care about personal hygiene. Dude, this dude had some serious B.O. WHICH I DON"T CARE ABOUT. I don't care about anyone's smell or appearance or habits as long as they do not infringe on my right to sit in my living room and not smell nasty nasty cigar smoke all the live-long day and night. I must take measures. I must put dog doo in a paper bag, slip it under his door and step on it. I think you're also supposed to set it on fire... I will have to look into the correct technique. Oh, Arfur, where are you when I need you?!?!?!!


Ellen said...

Not that I've done this but I believe you set it on fire so that he steps on it to try to put the fire out - hilarity ensues!

George said...

Yes Ellen, YES! Combine the flaming bag-o-poo with the 'ol ding-dong-ditch and we're in business.