Saturday, November 6, 2010

unrelated to anything

1) I heard something on Bill Maher a couple of months ago that keeps niggling at my brain which must be true but how is it possible? He said that more than half of the casualties (meaning deaths) of American soldiers in the current wars are the result of "friendly fire". WHAT?!?!?!?!?! Is that possible? That is insane and blows my mind and offends me on a hundred levels. [It goes without saying that our even being there and killing women and children and others who didn't invite us offends me more.] It's just that this idea of blundering idiots (or poorly trained, scared shitless kids) on the same side blowing each others' brains out and joining a war statistic is something I can't fit my head around. PS: A medium amount of internet research did not allow me to confirm or deny the statistic.

2) I did not vote in the recent US mid-term election. This is mostly because I didn't get my absentee ballot. Ex-pats are only allowed to vote for federal positions anyway, and I don't think I would have voted for the cuz, so I wouldn't affect the outcome in any case. Also they don't count ballots from abroad unless it's very very close. Also there is the question of whether somebody who has been living outside the country for over 14 years has an ethical right to help make decisions about the country's direction when nothing that happens there really affects her.

That said, in what corner of this universe or any other is the word "Boehner" pronounced "Bay-nor"? Having only read the name but not heard it until Tuesday, I logically called him Boner, with a small reservation that it could be Beaner. But Baynor, no. Sorry. As an avid amateur linguist, I cannot go there. I know you can call yourself whatever you want, but sorry, dude, for me Boner you began and Boner you shall remain.

3) I just ate over thirty black olives. Salty and vinegary binge.


LN said...

I have every intention of seeing this movie once it comes to DVD, but I know a bit about the story already...can K download it for you??

The Tillman Story:

Mer said...

As to the Boehner, I can only assume it's some German corruption. I once knew a lovely fellow with the last name Roemer, pronounced "Raymer." Delightful man- nothing in common with Boehner except the name issue. This guy is apparently more moderate than some, and prone to public episodes of "choking up." Rachel Maddow called him "a crier" the other day.

Sir Louris W. Badderson said...
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Sir Louris W. Badderson said...

Yeah but didn't we also go to school with somebody called Roemer and she pronounced it Row-muhr? oh well, I like saying Boner so will continue doing so, at least in my head.

El, the Real Time sode I'm talking about had Tillman's brother on, and that was the reason they were talking about this issue. I will download the flic for sure.