Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hitting the beach with the girls

Briefly abandoned the perch for an hour at the beach.
E and I decide to relax.

R decides to skip stones and actually almost hit us with some huge rocks I mean pebbles.

E did not manage to capture any of the amazing multiple skips on video despite repeated attempts. Faulty camera work? No decent multiple skips? We'll never divulge all the secrets of this evening.

Then a dog came by to check us out. Slobbered a bit and moved on. Good thing I am well-versed in Victoria Stillwell's commands because I had to put some of them to use. EH EH, shaggy wet sandy pooch. (According to work, we're not putting commas between adjectives any more. Things changed from last series of books to this, apparently. Must keep abreast.)

Warning to fellow bloggers: If a friend tells you she reads your blog entries and keeps up with your life and all the important things you say in your blog, some of which may be significant life lessons and information about your cats, and things they hunt, and stuff you say about buying underwear and not wearing it before you wash it and all the other earth-shattering things you chronicle, describe or outline, it may be a complete and utter lie. Trap her by asking specific topic-based questions. Then mock her with your other friend who actually does read your blog.

1 comment:

ellen said...

Aha!!! Well, here I am!! :)