Thursday, April 15, 2010

A toothsome fellow

The rat's nest...

is bursting at the seams with life-giving energy. Bed, sofas and pod are occupied. Reminiscing abounds. Last night we dragged out the yearbook and perused senior portraits.

So anyway one of the visitors is young "J", an eleven-month-old gentleman with an exceptional disposition. He's the occupant of the pod. He is capable of giving his Mom just a bit of a hard time in the sleeping department, but wakes up VERY cute, with hooded gaze and then a big smile. Today he was fascinated with the colors in Mer's quilt. He is also the mega-star of the trip video. I will add a photo soon (from behind to protect the innocent).

I'm bushed so will elaborate in a later post because it's off to the perch for the weekend! A bit of fresh air, maybe some gardening. Thought we'd be getting waited on by the old timers, but apparently they've been eating cookies and omelettes, so we're going to take our left-over spinach pie and chicken pot pie (yes, I made it again) to subsist.

CT update is that cancerous mass is bigger. For the mentally challenged among us: this is a bad thing. Waiting to hear what the next step will be. Dr D said that maybe it's so thick and dense that the chemeo is having trouble eating away at it. (My translation.) Interesting idea.

Why oh why did I have seconds of pot pie at ten o'clock when I was already stuffed? It wasn't hot so it wasn't even that good.

I leave you with this:

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